Intercontinental Energy: Pioneering Green Hydrogen Development and Innovation
The Trusted Partner in Hydrogen
Using upstream wind and solar, we have been pioneering best-in-class green fuels hubs since 2014 with a portfolio of Tier 1 projects across Australia and the Middle East. With a global multidisciplinary team, we think big, turning innovation into action.
As a leading giga scale developer and technology company, we’ve created the innovative P2(H2)NodeTM. This proprietary technology showcases our commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and accelerating progress in the green hydrogen industry.
Alex Tancock
CEO and Chairman of the Board
InterContinental Energy
Our Innovations
Power to Hydrogen Node, P2(H2)NodeTM
Our Patented Technology
Innovative modular building blocks that can easily scale in phases to meet the long-term market demand for green hydrogen.

Partner of Choice with Strategic Investors
Sustainable partnerships to realise a shared vision of large-scale production of green fuels to scale up the green hydrogen economy
What’s New
The Straits Times Green Pulse Podcast
Podcast Interview with Alex Tancock, CEO of InterContinental Energy
The Straits Times Singapore news sites’s Green Pulse Podcast: